Plantage Middenlaan 25 - 1
1018 DB Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Artistic direction:
Chris Bestebreurtje (founder)
+31 (0)6 24 76 95 80
Petra Kuipers (founder)
+31 (0)6 14 19 81 30

Maarten Brocades Zaalberg (chair)
Dick Pellegrom (treasurer)
– vacancy-

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Tlön Projects Foundation is a non-profit organisation granted with the Dutch cultural ANBI status. This means we are registered with the Dutch tax authorities as a Cultural Public Benefit Organisation. Donations to support Tlön Projects are tax deductible.

For residents of the Netherlands there is information on the website of the Dutch tax authorities.

For residents abroad there are similar rules regarding gifts and tax advantages. Please find more information at your local tax authorities.

ANBI / PBO status
RSIN/Tax Registration Number:

ANBI publication - NL

Chambre of Commerce number:

Design by Sabo Day
Code by Oz
Typeface by Jung-Lee Type Foundry

© Tlön Projects, 2024

In the story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius (1940), Argentinian author Jorge Luis Borges (1899 - 1886) describes Tlön, a fictional planet where things fade away, and even disappear, as soon as they are forgotten and no longer observed.

The depots of international collectors house contemporary artworks of tremendous potential that are seldom exhibited, scarcely examined or re-assessed. Many of these works were shipped straight there from the artist’s studio or gallery and have not been seen since. They languish behind the scenes waiting to interact with an audience. Tlön Projects’ objective is to promote the visibility and mobility of these works so they are not forgotten, leading to their loss, analogous to Borges’ tale.

In recent years we have conducted field research and started cataloguing these artworks. Works have been carefully selected to become part of a Tlön Projects compiled, imaginary collection. Imaginary because Tlön Projects can present the works, yet does not own them and the collection’s composition – collated as it is from international collections – solely exists within Tlön Projects.

In the short story The book of sand (El libro de arena, 1975) by Jorge Luis Borges a man comes to possess a very unusual book. The pages are numbered in accordance with an unfathomable system that keeps changing. Sections keep being added. The pages seem to grow from the book. Once closed, then re-opened not a single paragraph, illustration or chapter can be re-found ever again. Time and time again, entirely new texts and images are combined in new ways.

This illustrates the nature of Tlön Projects’ fabulous collection. It changes. Works are removed from time to time, works are added. Oeuvres are enriched, works from series reunited, strangers become friends and outsiders suddenly get to join in. The whole thing keeps changing character. As soon as you try to get a grip on it, it runs away between your fingers, like sand. The collection will never be complete and that isn’t a goal unto itself, but a tool for recombining the collection’s fragments to tell new stories and make viewers think. The imaginary collection constitutes the point of departure for Tlön Projects’ programme which will be nomadic in nature.

A database system has been developed by Uqbar Office to provide insight into the imaginary collection. The database is clearly laid out in a very image-oriented manner. The system provides optimum space for images, film previews, sound excerpts, background information, reference material, exhibition histories, installation guidelines, protocols, artists’ notes and other knowledge and facts about the work of art. The works are listed alphabetically in accordance to the artist’s surname. Private data such as owner, provenance and value are hidden from prying eyes.

Tlön Projects provides independent curators, thinkers and writers with access to the imaginary collection for research purposes so scenarios can be developed for exhibitions, innovative presentations and fleeting activities that spotlight the works from the collection. The scenarios developed become part of Tlön Projects’ Satellite Programme that alights in various international locations in close collaboration with partner institutions and the collectors involved. In both cases there will be close cooperation as well as joint vision and ambition.

Other means of publicising research on the collection include: publications, online concepts, case studies, interviews, lectures, performances and screenings.

Tlön Projects is a non-profit organisation initiated by Chris Bestebreurtje and Petra Kuipers.